frequently asked questions
Q: How quickly can I get into see a therapist?
A: Our practice generally has some wait time to see a therapist due to the nature of the complex therapies our clinicians provide. We know how difficult it can be to wait for services. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and are working hard to address wait times to the best of our ability. Check our website regularly as we do provide updates, or contact us at ask@lesleyhartman.ca to request the most up to date wait times.
Q: How do I book an appointment for an Intake Call?
A: We use Jane Management Software to book an online appointments with our Intake Workers. For step-by-step instructions, click on PDF icon below or view the 5-minute video.
Q: How do I know my therapist is competent to treat my problem?
A: We are all licensed within self-regulating professional bodies. This provides the public with protection and assurances of our training and competence. We abide by ethical codes and standards of our licensing bodies. Furthermore our intake workers take great care to match you with a therapist who has the relevant experience and training to meet your specific needs.
Q: What can I expect on my first visit?
A: Our space is quiet with a private waiting area. If your visit is during the day, you may see our office manager. We provide soft music and reading material while you wait. Your therapist will come to the waiting area to escort you to the therapy room.
Q: Where are you located?
A: We are located at 3845 Joseph Howe Drive, Suite 209 in Halifax. We are easily accessed from the A. Murray MacKay bridge, the Bedford highway, or Bayers Road. Our offices are in a glass building just a short walk from the Atlantic Superstore. See the map here.
Q: How do I make an appointment?
A: You may call our receptionist at 902-431-1721 to request an intake call, or complete our intake form by clicking here. Our intake worker will collect pertinent information to create your client profile and inform you of our therapist's schedules.
Q: Will my information be safe?
A: We adhere to all PIPEDA and PHIA standards. Only minimal information is entered into our electronic practice software and there are limited authorized individuals who can access this information. Your therapist's notes are maintained in a secured location on site. All LHA clinicians and staff are held to strict privacy standards. Your information will not be shared with any individual without your written informed consent, unless required to do so by law.
Q: Are your rates covered by MSI?
A: Psychological health services are not covered by MSI.
Q: Is my therapy covered by health insurance?
A: Please check with your insurer to verify if psychological health services are covered on your health plan.
Q: Do you direct bill?
A: We do not direct bill private health insurance companies. You will be provided a receipt containing all of the information required to submit a claim to your insurer. Exceptions are made for health plans provided to RCMP, VAC, and CF members due to special arrangements with those organizations.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept cash, debit, Visa and MasterCard. Please be aware that we are unable to make change when paying by cash.
Q: When do I have to pay for my session?
A: Payment is due at the conclusion of each session.
Q: Why do you require a credit card stored on my profile?
A: We require you to provide credit card information on file with us so we may automatically charge professional services such as late cancellations or missed appointment charges. If a balance accrues and no payment is received by you, we reserve the right to use the credit information we have on file. We store financial information in an encrypted PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant site called Payfirma. Payfirma is a merchant service located in Vancouver, BC and is regulated to maintain Canadian standards of anti-fraud protocols. Your information is held in our system as a token (the last 4 digits of the number) unable to be modified by Lesley Hartman & Associates Inc staff, ensuring your security and privacy.
Our intake team member will collect your credit card financial information (number, expiry. CVV) and enter it into Payfirma's merchant site. You will have the option to pay your balance in session with your therapist using debit, credit, cash, or electronic fund transfer. You may also instruct your therapist to charge all subsequent psychotherapy fees to your stored credit card if you so desire. You may revoke this instruction of subsequent billings to your stored credit card at any time in writing.
Q: Do you have a cancellation policy?
A: If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment, we require that you call at least 24 business hours in advance. Monday appointments must be cancelled by 12:00 pm noon on Friday, and appointments scheduled for the first day following a holiday must be cancelled by 12:00 pm noon on the last business day before the holiday. Appointments that are not cancelled within policy guidelines will incur a charge equivalent to the scheduled session’s full fee. Exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances, at your therapist's discretion. Outstanding balances must be paid in full prior to rescheduling.
Q: How do I reschedule/cancel my appointment?
A: To reschedule your appointment, please contact our receptionist by calling 902-431-1721. You will need to provide your name, appointment time and therapist name. Alternatively, you may contact your therapist directly if they have provided you with their contact information.
Q: My child's parents are not living together, in that case, who consents for our younger child to receive treatment?
A: At Lesley Hartman & Associates Inc. we follow provincial guidelines and consent legislation regarding a child/youth’s right to have their mental health decisions respected. In Nova Scotia the age of majority is 19 years old. To read in more detail >>
Q: Are you wheelchair accessible?
A: Our building entrance and our offices are accessible to wheelchairs. There are a two accessible parking spots near the main entrance of the building that do not have meters, and two more near the basement entrance.
Q: Do you have parking?
A: We have metered parking available for our guests in our main parking lot nearest the main entrance. There are also metered spaces in our lower parking lot around the back of the building. The meters cost $1.50 per hour and take coin only. The accessible parking spots are free.
Q: What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
A: The terms "psychologist" and "psychiatrist" are often used interchangeably to describe anyone who provides therapy services, but the two professions and the services provided by each profession differ in terms of content and scope.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors and are able to prescribe medication. They sometimes also provide psychotherapy although medical and pharmaceutical interventions are often their focus. Psychologists have advanced training (masters or doctoral degrees) in the assessment and treatment of psychological problems. Psychologists cannot prescribe medication; they treat psychological concerns through various evidence based psychotherapies.
Q: What is the difference between a Candidate Register Psychologist and a Registered Psychologist?
A: Once a person graduates from their respective graduate-level university program in Clinical, School or Counselling Psychology, (which includes course work, practica, and internship experiences) they must apply for acceptance to the provincial Board of Psychologists (in Nova Scotia this is the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology or NSBEP). Once accepted to practice, they are provided an interim, or training license to practice. During this interim period, they are required to be supervised by a licensed Psychologist, and to write a written standardized exam, as well as to pass an oral exam. Until all of these requirements are completed, psychologists are considered "Candidate Register Psychologists". Master’s level psychologists are required to complete 4 years of post-graduate supervision, while Doctoral level psychologists are required to complete 2 years.
Q: How long will my treatment take?
A: A typical therapy session is 50 minutes. There may be times your therapist discusses the benefit of a longer session time depending on your treatment. The number of sessions that you will need will vary depending on your goals and the type of treatment you are seeking. The decision will be made collaboratively in your first few sessions. Your therapist will discuss your treatment plan and will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Q: What can I expect in a therapy session?
A: You will be in a safe and private office with comfortable seating. Your therapist will try to put you at ease. They may ask you questions about the reasons you have come in. They will discuss these concerns with you, and may provide you some strategies that you can try in between sessions. Together, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies, and perhaps try others that your therapist suggests. They may take notes during your visit to help them and you to track your progress.
Q: Where are the washrooms located? Do you have gender-neutral washrooms?
A: Washrooms are located in the main hallway of each floor. The non-gendered and accessible washroom is located on the lower level.
Q: Do you have guest wifi?
A: Our guests are welcome to use wifi while visiting us. Our guest account password is welcome!